Friday, January 17, 2014

33 weeks, side by side

Ready for another side by side comparison?

 (I feel like I'm actually writing this to myself... does anyone read this if I don't post it on FB?)

I still think I look much smaller with this baby than Dax BUT it could be the way I'm standing or my clothes... who knows ;)

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Gender Predicting

Can you tell what is still on my mind? Okay when is it EVER off my mind ;) Since it is growing increasingly obvious that we will not be having another prescribed ultrasound (which is really, truly a good thing because NEEDING one is really not something we wanted either) we decided to have some fun with all the old wives tales and gender predicting 'things' found on the internet. So here goes nothing, going to try as many gender predictors as possible and see what we find out.... if they are all right then it MUST be right, RIGHT!?!?

The following tests came from my friend Ariel's blog post on Daily Mom. You can check out the link here:

Sorry for the random highlighting in the post- I did that on accident and then can't figure out how to get rid of it. Oops!

Test 1--Ramzi Method, supposed to be about 97% accurate. According to this one the placenta placement can determine the sex. If it's on the left, girl and if it's on the right, boy. I remember very clearly when the tech told me "here's your placenta," because of our history of placenta previa with Dax it was high on my concern list. It was definitely on the right.
    Our results: BOY!

Test 2--Skull theory

So the idea is that if you have a really good profile picture from your ultrasound you can tell if the baby is a boy or girl. I love this picture. Definitely my favorite from this baby. Just love that the baby is sucking his/her thumb and perfectly profile. SO what do you think, does the forehead look more rounded or more flat and slightly sloped backwards? I think it looks pretty rounded.
     Our results: GIRL!

Test 3--DNA testing:We will NOT be doing DNA testing to determine the sex. If we were at all concerned about any problems with the baby we might consider it but definitely will not be dumping that much money into finding out if the baby is a boy or a girl.

Test 4--The Cabbage Test: basically this is testing the PH of your urine. I boiled two cups water with two cups chopped red cabbage for 10 minutes- will be a deep blue color. The boiled and then cooled cabbage water is mixed, in equal parts,with urine and the color reaction is supposed to determine gender. If the water, changes to red or pink then it's a boy and if it is purple then it's a girl.
      Our results:  GIRL

Test 5--Baking Soda Test: More pee! ;) So the idea is that if you mix your urine with baking soda the reaction or non reaction can determine the sex. If it bubbles, boy and if no reaction, girl.  I waited until I REALLY needed to go to the bathroom so as to not have a diluted sample, poured it in with maybe 2 tablespoons of baking soda and there was definitely some bubbling going on! Not vinegar and baking soda volcano bubbling but definitely some kind of reaction. I was completely shocked that it actually worked! Also had a friend, who has had it confirmed on several ultrasounds that she is having a girl try this-- no reaction!
    Our results: BOY!

Test 6-- The Ring Test: Who HASN'T heard of the ring test? Not one that I put a lot of faith in as I think it depends on how jittery the person is more than anything else. Oh well, nothing to lose so decided to give it a whirl. If it the ring goes in a straight line, side to side then boy, if it swings in a circular motion then girl.
 This was fun because my friends Ruthanna and Mandie did it with me. Ruthanna held the string-- actually my hair and Mandie helped determine what it was doing. When we first started the test I burst out laughing and so did Ruthanna-- hoping that didn't influence the results. ;)
   Our results: BOY!

Test 7-- pencil and needle: so this one was something Ruthanna had done when she lived in Alaska and was pregnant with her boys. She said it was accurate for both of them-- and her ultrasound with her second was actually quite WRONG! So you stick a needle in the eraser end of a pencil, thread the needle with string or Mom's hair and then hang over the belly.
   Our results: BOY!

The other two 'tests' come from Amazon. The first was recommended by a friend who had correct results with her last child. The test said boy and she indeed had a little boy! When I went to look up the tests my determination on whether we'd try them or not was if they were under $20 a test. Well what do you know, they were! ;)

The first test and the one recommended was Intelligender Gender Prediction test.

You can check it out by going to Amazon and searching for the name. There are definitely mixed reviews, as with any gender predictor. It was super easy to use and results were pretty clear.
    Our results: BOY!

The second test was one that was just featured on Amazon and was also, under $20. It has a SUPER original name: Boy or Girl Baby Gender Predictor Test. DO NOT buy this test. I wish I hadn't. It felt like a joke test (which it is but at least the previous test felt a little more like it would be accurate) from the second I got the padded envelop out of the mailbox. It was so tiny and the directions were horrible. It doesn't even tell you how many drops to put on the test, just to put drops of urine on the test. Ummm... okay.... So I did 5 drops from the teeny tiny dropper, waited the 15 seconds it said and it definitely didn't turn blue but a deep purple/blue which, according to the very unprofessional looking instructions means boy. While the results were consistent with most of the other testing we did, I would still not suggest this test.

    Our results: BOY!

SO if we go off of all eight tests, it looks like we're having a

Or at least 6 out of 8 tests say boy... we shall see in just a few weeks ;)