Well I'm not quite sure why I think I need a blog but we shall see how this goes. I have always been intrigued by people who do blog so thought it was high time I put myself in their shoes.
This probably won't happen very often that I actually have time to get on here and add information but important details or frustrations will probably show up frequently.
So the newest piece of my puzzle:
I am single. I split up with my ex about 3 weeks ago. I am now living the "good" life of being able to make my own decisions.
I'll tell you ya don't realize how much you are missing out on until you suddenly can

Another piece of the puzzle:
SO last night I am hanging out at my best friend's house when my ex shows up on her doorstep. He proceeds to get down on one knee and propose to me!!! We have been broken up for 3 weeks... can you guess what I said... NO!!! Over and over I said NO. I couldn't believe he even thought that would solve problems or that I would actually say Yes. I mean you don't ask someone unless you think they will say yes, right??? I mean I am done, I have said that I am done, but apparently he doesn't think I am done... what do I have to do to prove that??? Maybe last night was enough proof for him.
Anyway that's the latest snipit of drama in my life... hopefully things SLOW down from here on out... or I might just lose my mind.