Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas 2013

Aw it's Christmas Eve and as I take a few minutes to sit down this morning before the wonderful madness begins, I can't help but feel grateful for all the family we still get to visit with each year. I know that it will probably slow down or be more limited sooner than I'm ready for as traditions start to change. We have three beautiful great grandma's that our traditions are guided around and when they are gone (which better not be for a very long time) I know that things will change as our family travels great distances to mainly spend time with the great grandmas. For now though, I want to take advantage of building memories for Dax with these wonderful women and all of his aunts, uncles and cousins! It's often hard to find that balance of seeing everyone, running around like crazy and also really trying to feel the spirit of the season.

Sometimes it seems we forget that it is not about us adults who do the running but the kids whose eyes light up when we talk about going somewhere else to celebrate Christmas or who love spending time with their cousins running and playing. This year, I want to focus on this especially since it's our last Christmas carting around only Dax on Christmas. His last Christmas day with just him. I know next year will be amazing and beautiful with two little ones to share Christmas morning with and THREE for Christmas eve but there is something sweet about just spending it with Dax, one more only him Christmas. He asks on a daily basis when the baby will be here, he's excited! I love his excitement!

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a wonderfully Happy New Year!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Comparing... ;)

Okay... just for comparison sake and oh my gosh I can't believe I liked my hair like that... LOL ;)

25 weeks with Dax and 26 weeks with Baby #2
 Yes, think I was slightly bigger with Dax than this baby.

26 weeks!

Well, actually, today I am 27 weeks pregnant but haven't taken a picture yet and, really, haven't changed that much since last week. Baby is doing really well and so am I. Gaining weight at a steady pace and not feeling sick anymore. Sensitive to the smell of protein cooking but usually able to power through it and finish cooking... or overcook the elk steaks that had to go somewhere other than the stove top. Ha! Still struggling a bit with not knowing the sex of this little one but trying to move past that. ;) Baby appears to be growing right on track and moving like crazy so we probably will not have another ultrasound. I am thinking about asking my Dr. for another one but pretty sure I know the answer... and insurance won't pay for just a random ultrasound. So different having a completely normal pregnancy after a slightly more crazy one. Grateful for it though!

Dax has been feeling the baby move a lot lately. The other night he was laying partway on my tummy and the baby started to move around- he asked what that was, I explained it's the baby moving. He responded with "what is the baby saying?" "I think the baby is telling you to GET OFF ME!" Dax started giggling! It was very sweet. He is really very excited for this new baby and more times than not tells me that the baby will sleep in the baby bed in his room and expresses that he can't wait to snuggle the baby and help take care of the baby. I hope this continues after the baby arrives. ;)