Friday, June 26, 2009

22 weeks

WOW where did the time go? Below are two pictures of me at 22 weeks-- they were taken a day a part. :-) This baby is on the move like crazy, Dustin finally got to REALLY feel him last night, he felt one movement the night before but got kicked at least 2 or 3 times last night. Oh my gosh that was one of the neatest experiences because instead of me saying "Did you feel that?" and hoping he did, HE actually said, "is that him?" then followed it with "He's saying, let me out!" :) It was so sweet.

So far I'm not feeling big or anything, I actually feel pretty small for being 22 weeks until I look at the above pictures than I think I look pretty good for being 22 weeks. :) According to my last Dr apt. I still haven't gained any weight but the baby is growing like a weed- my appointment was at 21 weeks and I was measuring 22 weeks. Baby is totally healthy but I have a tiny issue that may not even be an issue by the time we get to delivery- I have a complete placenta previa- DON'T google it-- it freaked me out when I did that. Basically it means that the placenta is completely blocked my cervix and at this point I will have to have a C-section around 37 weeks. NOW I know that my placenta can still migrate out of the way SO I'm not freaking out at this point at all and if I have to have a C-section that okay too- not what I want to happen but I'm okay with it. My Dr says not to worry at this point because I've had no bleeding so far and the baby is healthy and my cervix is long and thick. SO if you have a horror story of Placenta Previa, I really DON'T want to hear it but if you have a good story about the placenta moving out of the way and having a healthy delivery then go for it, I'd love to hear those things. :-) The exciting part about this is we get to have another ultrasound on July 28!! Which I am SUPER excited about because we only got ONE picture of the baby! One, that's right I said it, one! So at the next ultrasound I'm going to ask for at least a couple pictures. :-)

OH... almost forgot...

We, meaning Dustin, got the crib put up this week too! I love being able to walk into what will be Kyleigh and Dax's room and see his bed all set up- even though he probably won't actually sleep in there for quite some time it still makes it partly HIS space. Once that was done I got an itch and ordered all the baby bedding!! I also ordered 3 very sweet pictures to add to the room- one is of a little boy with his arm around a Lassie type dog that says "Boys best friend" to go above his dresser I think, the second is of a little girl sitting next to a dog both with floaty rings around their waists to go above what will be Kyleigh's bed and last but not least a very sweet picture of a crescent moon that says Sleep Tight little prince. The two kid pictures are black and white and the moon picture goes with the bedding. I'll be sure to put pictures up as we get everything set up. :-) I am LOVING knowing we're having a little boy!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

It's a....

We're having a boy!!

The ultrasound tech was very cute, she said "ultrasound isn't 100% accurate but you can't deny what was there, when it's there it's there" So we are over the moon! Now I worry she is wrong and it is a girl but I saw it with my own eyes! From what I saw everything looked great, of course the techs can't tell you much of anything because they aren't your doctor but she didn't seem alarmed by anything or take a ton of time on anything except his heart because he kept moving and she even kept commenting about how hard it was to get a clear picture 'cause he was on the move all the time. :) Anyway I would put a picture up of the little guy but the only picture she gave us is of his arm, which is a very handsome arm but not really anything too interesting to look at :) He was moving around like crazy so it took her awhile to get all 81 pictures, that's right, I said 81!! Maybe the Dr will give us some of the ones he will get... one could hope, right?? :)

Okay so I have to share my funny now story--- so when we get to the hospital the lady sitting next to us said that she had been waiting 45 minutes past her apt. time, now anyone who has had an OB ultrasound knows that you have to pee almost as soon as you get there, I am no exception to this. Dustin thought my need to "release" was hilarious until I thought I was going to cry and pee my pants because they were truly 45 minutes behind!! It got so bad that it hurt to hold it any longer. I finally couldn't take it anymore and asked the receptionist how much longer it would be and that even if it was going to be only 5 more minutes that there was no way I could wait that long. SO she finds, what looks like, a big clear Dixie cut--- ya know like the red ones you make alcoholic beverages in at parties-- and said you can fill this to the second to the top line... then tells me she isn't sure where the bathroom is because we are in the new wing of the hospitol!!! I then glanced down the hallway and say the universal sign for bathroom, ya know the blue guy, girl and wheel chair all on one sign and started booking it down the hallway. Needless to say, I filled the cup and still had to pee, badly! SO went and sat back down next to Dustin for 15 minutes and had to go DESPERATELY again but instead of asking the receptionist for permission I ran to the bathroom without the cup. Oh man did that feel good! Turns out when I went in for the actual ultrasound my bladder was still plenty full-- so note to women out there-- if you are in pain or need to go very, VERY, VERY, VERY badly, go! Don't let go of everything but GO! :)

Monday, June 15, 2009

20 weeks!

Halfway to having a baby!!! Tomorrow is the big ultrasound and I couldn't be more excited and more nervous. I'm so ready to get a look at this little one and hopefully find out if its a little boy or little girl in there. :) Below is a picture I took really quickly in our hotel room on a school field trip, the baby has really popped out lately and has been moving around like crazy- I am so excited for the day that Dustin can feel this little one moving, so far every time I say Give me your hand, he or she stops with the big movements that he can feel. Total bummer but I know the day is coming that we will be able to pick out which body part is poking out. :) So without further adew (is that how you spell it?) Here's the belly at 20 weeks:

Thursday, June 4, 2009

What a difference a few days makes...

It's amazing to me how quickly I have start to have a bump. Just last night Dustin looked at me and commented about how I've "grown." In fact at work yesterday at least 2 of my co-workers said I'm really starting to show now. How does that happen so fast? I mean how do you go from looking pregnant in certain clothes to looking pregnant all the time in a matter of 4 days??? The picture in my last post was take Friday, May 29, the picture below was taking 4 days later, 4 days later people!! Some of you will probably tease me that I'm not THAT big but to someone who has never had a belly like this before it feels HUGE already! And I have 21 more weeks of growing to do! Please don't laugh if the bump really hasn't changed too much... it's my first pregnancy and everything is new and a little growth feels like A LOT. :)

Here I am at almost 19 weeks. 18 weeks, 5 days to be exact :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Little bump

Well all it's happened... I have a baby bump! It looks bigger in certain clothes (the kind that don't keep it tucked in at all) and small in others... this pink dress seemed to bring out the roundness of my tummy. ha ha! So anyway... for your viewing pleasure (if that's what you want to call it) I give you me and the bump.

No, that's not my bathroom. I took this picture at work in the bathroom- glad no one saw me walk in their with a camera ha ha!

The little gremlin (as Dustin called him or her the other day) seems to be growing since I can now feel little popcorn pops and flutters at least once or twice a day. It seemed so wierd at first but now I'm really enjoying the randomness of movement that isn't caused by gas! :) Now we're just counting down the days until our ultrasound-- exactly 2 weeks from today!! Yahoo!

Below is a picture from Easter time of Kyleigh putting "lipstick" on her Daddy. I just LOVE this picture and had to share it with you. :) Her arm around his neck holding him in place totally cracks me up.