I had one of the best Christmases in a very long time! It was so nice to be overly happy, relaxed, giggly and just plain have fun with my loved ones! Christmas did find us running all over the place- Dustin and I got up around 7 am, were at my parents by 8 am, then at his parents by 11 am, then to Spokane by 2 pm.... made it home around 8 pm if I remember correctly... we got to see lots of family and have a wonderful time! I think the funnest part of Christmas was when everyone at Mom and Dads opened their Nerf Dart Guns- there were darts flying ALL OVER the living room, it was HILARIOUS and everyone was fair game because EVERYONE had a gun-including Grandma! So much fun!
The snow continues to blanket the area- we're expecting another foot of snow and we already have AT LEAST 2 feet, probably more like 3 feet!! UGH! I've gotten my car stuck twice now-really don't want to do that again!!
Anyway on to pictures... here are a few from our Christmas adventures!
I hope you all had a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

The Kautenberger cousins
My boys, I love them!!!