WOW! I almost missed writing a post in November 2010! Good thing I'm doing it today. :-p
I've felt like I have nothing to write because really there isn't a ton going on in our lives right now. We do have a ton of snow which Dax thinks he can mow with his toy lawn mower. He does not like to be put in the snow. He cries and cries but he does love being outside, just not in the snowbank. Ha!

So Mr. Dax is a walking machine. He is getting very quick and has almost lost his 'drunk old man' stagger. :-) He's not quite up to running yet but will be very soon!

His word bank is getting larger too- he says Mom, Dad, Gigi, Papa, Bill, Dog, Kitty, Tractor, Duck, and Num Num... and we're going to be working hardcore on Grandma and Grandpa! He also knows how to sign for All Done... although it's more of waving at you than the actual sign but we know what he's saying so it works. Trying to work on 'more' and 'please' in sign language. The daycare ladies do sign language with them as well so hopefully he'll pick those up soon. :-)

He's FINALLY decided that 'big boy' food is good! He will eat just about everything we eat. It's made me actually cook dinner every night which is a good thing. :-) He loves eating Num Nums. cinnamon toast waffles and ritz crackers are probably his favorite.

We've also discovered that Dax has a sensitive side. He does NOT like it when the other kids cry at daycare. He either watches them very closely or starts to cry with them. Oh man does Dax love daycare. Now when I visit at lunch time he doesn't stay in my lap the whole time but will play with his friends and the toys and just come check on me a little. It's wonderful. I love that he is secure enough to not need to be right in my lap all the time. :-)
SO my struggle is trying to figure out how to write a Christmas letter this year. I used to do one every year but it's been 3 years since I wrote one...wonder if I still have it in me. :-p Stay tuned... maybe I'll post what I come up with. ha!