Oh my goodness! It's almost May and we had snow yesterday! What on Earth? I have 6 strawberry plants on my counter than I am itching to plant because they already have buds on them but can't because it's still so darn cold! I've started actually taking them outside when it's warm and bringing them back in as it cools off. How silly is that? I feel like I have another child to worry about. Ha ha!
Speaking of my child. He's 18 months old!! He has really changed into a little boy the last month and I am not okay with it. I miss my little, little guy but I really am so proud of this handsome toddler we have. Dax is so sweet although he has begun to throw fits which are not so sweet. I hate them actually (what parent doesn't, right). Mostly I ignore him and walk away while he's throwing his fit and he usually stops almost right away. Even with the fits he really is just a love. He is so gentle with the babies at daycare, his puppy, the kitty, and anything else that is smaller than him. Oh and most recently he loves to go crawl into bed with Daddy in the morning before we leave or just before Daddy gets up. It is so sweet. He doesn't stay cuddled in very long but will sit and chat with Daddy or climb all over him until Daddy is ready to get up. I just love watching them together. We still cuddle with a bottle before he goes to sleep and the last few nights he will wrap one arm around my neck and pull me down to him and just hold on as he drifts off to sleep. I just love that! Even though I miss our tiny baby I sure do love our toddler.
Speaking of my child. He's 18 months old!! He has really changed into a little boy the last month and I am not okay with it. I miss my little, little guy but I really am so proud of this handsome toddler we have. Dax is so sweet although he has begun to throw fits which are not so sweet. I hate them actually (what parent doesn't, right). Mostly I ignore him and walk away while he's throwing his fit and he usually stops almost right away. Even with the fits he really is just a love. He is so gentle with the babies at daycare, his puppy, the kitty, and anything else that is smaller than him. Oh and most recently he loves to go crawl into bed with Daddy in the morning before we leave or just before Daddy gets up. It is so sweet. He doesn't stay cuddled in very long but will sit and chat with Daddy or climb all over him until Daddy is ready to get up. I just love watching them together. We still cuddle with a bottle before he goes to sleep and the last few nights he will wrap one arm around my neck and pull me down to him and just hold on as he drifts off to sleep. I just love that! Even though I miss our tiny baby I sure do love our toddler.
We've begun to do more around the yard. Just today I was filling in the whole dug by Dakota at the end of last summer and adding grass seed to them in the hopes they aren't bare spots for long. Made a trip to Ace to day and picked up some top soil and planting soil to get the flower beds full of dirt since we removed all of the Junipers. Still not sure what will go in the beds but so so nice to not be looking at the ugly Junipers anymore. Dax loves being outside which makes doing work in the yard so much easier. He will usually just wander around or actually helps! The other day I was raking and Dax would pick a single blade of grass out of the yard and put it in the wheel barow. Totally made me laugh but so sweet that he was 'helping.'
We've also started to take advantage of having a great deck! Dax has some toys out there and just loves to go out and watch the cows. dogs, kitties, whatever is out and about or just tear around on his own. I love that with the slider where it is I can work in the kitchen and watch Dax the entire time. I am so looking forward to the summer!! :-)
Okay well I'm sure there is more I could write about but it stopped raining so I better take advantage of my moment :-)