A week ago today I was working my very last school day of the year. I remember being so excited for June 1st way back in August but I really didn't think it would come so fast. I truly wasn't quite ready for it. So far I am loving the break! Dustin, Dax and I have been outside almost every day working in the yard, the garden or just playing. It's great! Dax adores being outside and throws a fit almost everytime we have to go inside.
The week before break began Dax and I got to go on the end of year field trip to Astoria, OR. It was wonderful and Dax was an absolute ANGEL! He cried very, very little on our super long road trip and got to meet several new friends. The first night we drove to Portland to spend the night with my cousin Kristen and her family. Dax is blessed to have two cousins that are close to his age- especially Miss Leah who is about 5 months older than him. It was very fun to watch them play, catch up with Kristen and visit the zoo!
Leah and Dax after the train ride at the zoo.
On Monday we drove the rest of the way to Astoria and then felt like we didn't slow down until the drive home Thursday. :-) Tuesday was spent at Fort Clatsop and Fort Stevens and Wednesday was spent a various museums AND THE BEACH!!! It downpoured for most of the day on Wednesday but the weather broke about the time we were done with the museums so we high tailed it out of Astoria to Seaside and the beach! It didn't rain on us at all while we were there but the wind was definitely blowing like crazy! It really was fun though. :-) Thursday we headed back to Portland and the zoo for a few hours and then the long trip back home.
He really loved spending time with them!
So now that we are settling into summer I realize all the things that need to get done this summer or things I need to just keep working on. I'm going to list them in the hopes I will stay more accountable to myself ha!
1. Start working out and finally lose all my baby weight!!! Water aerobics starts in a week! Yahoo!
2. Finish my Pro Cert---- this HAS to get done in the next 2 weeks.
3. grow a garden--- it's already planted so now I have to water and weed
4. teach Axle to sit and come when he's called.... he should already know how to do this but... well.. he doesn't...
5. Keep my plants alive
6. Clean the carpets in the house
7. De-clutter our house. I have too much stuff and it needs to either find a place or go someplace else
8. Work on making meals ahead of time. I've already started this a little- so far I've made and frozen a pasta dish and breakfast burritos. I think this will really help when I head back to school in the fall.
9. Keep the 4 baby turkeys alive. If we can keep these four babies alive we're bound to keep some chickens alive and get some farm eggs to boot!
10. OOO and not get attached to the baby turkeys since we are planning to eat them for Thanksgiving--- although Dustin already mentioned maybe keeping one as a pet.
11.Plan playdates with my friends! We all talk about it but all too often we get too busy to actually commit
Okay I think that is it for now. Ha!