Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Mid July, already?!?!

Goodness! I can't quite believe that it's already mid July...AND I can't believe my cell phone didn't remind me that yesterday was my 10 on 10 day! Darn! Maybe I'll try for 12 on 12 since it isn't going to happen today, ha!

This summer has been a good one. Dax and I spend most days together which is fantastic. Honestly, at this point in my life the BEST thing about being a teacher is being able to be a stay at home Mom for about 3 months out of the year. ALTHOUGH it would be even BETTER if I KNEW I'd have a job next year for sure...yes, that's right, no 'call back' yet but I'm still holding out hope. Okay, I'm off subject...

Dax and I spend most of our days in and out of the house working in the garden, enjoying his little pool, playing with the kittens, trying to do some household chores (which I seem to catch up on and then forget to do for a couple days) and just enjoying being together. I sure do love this little boy! He is such a cuddle boy and says the funniest things on a regular basis! His mouth is also starting to get him into more and more trouble lately. He can be quite sassy from time to time. It is REALLY funny and I try to not laugh at all until he can't see or hear me. He's also so sensitive about other people's feelings. He gets upset when he hears the cats 'crying' or if he thinks anyone is hurt. The other day I was telling my Mom a story and said 'she was so upset' and then mimicked how my friend sounded--Dax came across the room and sat in my lap saying 'mama okay? mama crying?' and threw his arms around my neck. Such a good boy! It's also pretty funny to listen to him say 'bye' to Daddy each morning- he stands in the window waving to Daddy saying 'have a good day, see you soon, bye-bye, love you' :)

Today I found the perfect way to weed the garden-- soaking in Dax's little pool, then weed until I am so hot I think I may die and then get back in the pool. Feels SO good and I'm actually getting some weeds pulled instead of watching them take over the garden during this heat wave! OH and I've actually successfully grown things this year!! We've already sampled radishes, lettuce and peas and soon we'll have carrots, corn, onions, peppers AND raspberries! Mmm I'm most excited for the corn and raspberries!!!

Hopefully I remember to post again soon!