1. I had a Placenta Previa with Dax and nothing at all like that with this baby. I did not realize how much the placenta cushioned some of the different baby movements that I feel very clearly with this one. In other words, I had no idea what getting kicked "down there" felt like! Yikes is all I have to say! By the time Dax's placenta was out of the way, he was already head down and I didn't go through anything like this with him. It's not painful just..umm... odd??
2.HEARTBURN! Oh my gosh! I had horrible heartburn with Dax but it wasn't until much later in the pregnancy. Already have a bottle of liquid antacid in the bathroom. I'm scared.
3. Definitely much more achy with this baby. I was warned by my doctor that the scar from C-sections don't stretch like the rest of your skin-- that it does not! While round ligament pain is about the same, so far, as my scar pulling, I definitely don't jump up or move quickly without my body reminding me to SLOWDOWN!
4. This one makes me feel really guilty and I'm hoping to remedy it soon--- by this point with Dax, we knew his name. We have NO idea yet what this baby will be named. I'm blaming it on not knowing if we're having a boy or a girl... that's probably just passing the blame but I really just can't get my head around having to pick two names. I am definitely more used to the idea that we might not know until the day of delivery what color of blanket to wrap baby in BUT I would like to have some names to refer to. ;) There has been so much distracting us that has nothing to do with the baby as well, my other excuse. Ha!
--Funny name story- Dax was at Gigi and Papa's house eating Olives and he looks up and says "Mama, we should name the baby Olive" Then goes back to eating. My Mom, having heard this, says, "actually that is kind of cute" OH HELL NO! I am not having the story of coming to my child's name be "well your brother was eating olives one day and it just stuck" Of course, by the end of the evening he also wanted to name the baby salad and cheese... just don't think this will work. :)
5. With Dax, I practically KNEW he was going to be a boy before it was confirmed. With this baby I change my "mommy feeling" everyday. One day I lean so much toward girl and then the next I'm dreaming it's a boy. Geez! ;)
Overall, I feel great! I am still able to do most of my normal tasks and am still keeping up with Dax. That I am more than grateful for!
I am excited for this baby and I know that the second we see him or her, every other concern or frustration will melt away. It's so hard for me to believe that this baby will be here in about 15ish weeks, depending on when the C-section is scheduled. In less time than I've been pregnant we will have a new little one to love! That in itself is something to celebrate. :)