OKAY so how weird is it that this is my 25th post and it's going to be about my apprehension about turning 25?????? WOWZA! That's strange...
Anyway... it is my last day being 24 years old. Truthfully I'm better with it now than I was a month ago. My issues with turning 25 are really quite silly... basically... I'm not married and I don't have kids... both of which I thought I would have before I turned 25. I know that when I set that age as being the time that my "adult" life would start was pretty silly because 25 really isn't that old. My Mom didn't even have me until she was 27 BUT she had been married for 3 years by the time she was 25....
SO... having gone through a lot of changes in the last year I've decided to embrace turning 25, or at least try to embrace turning 25... I mean think of all the blessings that are in my life as I turn 25.... think of all that I have accomplished in 25 years, in the last year! Here's my list of 25 as I turn 25.....
1. I am alive
2. I am healthy
3. I have an amazing job
4. I am with the love of my life
5. I have the best biological and un-biological siblings in the whole wide world- Bill, Rhea and Leah- I love you guys!
6. I am Auntie to the most beautiful neice around-- she melts my heart!
7. Dustin and I have a 3 bedroom/1 bath house to move into in 3 weeks
8. I have AWESOME friends who love me and I love them!
9.Dustin has brought a very sweet, wonderful little girl into my life this year- I am truly blessed by both of them!
10. I have my degree
11. I am fairly independent- I say that and I giggle....
12. I have learned a lot this last year, mostly about myself and how tough I can be
13. This year I am determined to break the tradition of my tattoos... I'm going to get one because I am happy in my life NOT because I am upset!
14. I am going to grow my hair out in my 25th year! We'll see how long I let it get....
15. This year is the year of starting the next level of my education... going back for my professional certificate!
16. I am going to be more active and fit my 25th year.... Dustin said he'd help me with this one :)
17. I can't believe I haven't mentioned this... my parents are such wonderful people in my life! As i said in one of my previous blogs they are truly blessings in my life!
18. I have a great and supportive extended family- lots of cousins, aunts and uncles who love me-- and who are almost all older than me :) Bill, Jacob, Matthew and I are the youngest 4 of all my cousins
19. OOO I almost own my car... just a couple more payments and it's mine...no wonder it's making a funny noise! ha ha
20. I can finally grow my nails out, I know, sounds silly but for YEARS I couldn't get my nails to grow and now they do :)
21.Dustin and I are going to add to our lil family by getting a puppy sometime this year... to be named Axle or Diesel... depending on the color :o) hee hee
22. I'm not as picky an eater as I used to be... but I'm still quite picky....
23. I am going to be old enough to rent a car tomorrow without having to pay an extra fee!!!
24. Cheap insurance!
25. Really truly I am finally at a place in my life where I am content and looking forward to what may come in the next few years. :)
SO... I guess... I'm okay with turning 25..... I'll let ya know how it goes....