So below is the side by side profile comparison of me at 19 weeks and me at 28 weeks- okay this may sound silly but where did the belly come from that fast? I mean seriously, if you're going on a diet you don't expect to lose this many inches in 9 weeks but holy cow when you're pregnant you can sure gain inches in a hurry. I don't know what my weight gain actually is but according to the Wii I gained 6 pounds since the last time I was on it and according to my Dr I gained 2 pounds since the last visit. I'm happy with this and I think I should note that I am NOT trying to not gain weight-- truly I figure if there is a time to eat whatever I want and pack on a few pounds now is the time-- it just seems my body is saying that it's not necessary. My Dr. is not concerned about my weight gain as Mr. Dax is still growing very well and my belly is measuring right where it should be- between 28 and 29 weeks.

SO here is the front comparison shot, granted I should be doing this in the same shirt but hadn't really though that a comparison shot would be pretty cool-- I'll have to do this again and be sure to be in the pink shirt. :) Now here's my question-- when you're pregnant and someone says Oh you're looking so little still-- how do you respond? I say Thank you just because it is SO much better to hear that than "wow you're fat" (insert laugh here). But those people also got me a little worried that maybe I'm supposed to be bigger at 7 months-- I am so thankful to have a Dr. who is reassuring and said that there really is no magic number for weight gain and that EVERY pregnancy and every woman carry differently. So to all of you out there who say I still look so little- THANK YOU! I love you and when I'm 36 weeks pregnant and can't see my toes can you tell me that I still look so little even if what you're really thinking is "hmm is she having twins??" (insert laugh again)