Monday, August 10, 2009

We're back to a "maybe"

Just got back from the Dr. and the biggest news is he isn't saying I'll need a C-section for sure. He says that the placenta has moved a little and could move completely out of the way by the time we get to delivery. Which was a shock to me after talking to the nurse on the phone about my results. He also said that if I do have to have a C-section we could wait all the way up til week 39, again this surprised me becuase everything I have read indictated 36-37 weeks. Maybe that's because women start to thin out and/or dialate around that time and if that happens a C-section would occur because the placenta would begin to be exposed which isn't a good thing. So I guess the short version of the Dr's appointment is-- we're back to maybe either direction. :) Which is okay but also drives me nuts... I need to get used to the fact that life with a baby is never set in stone and you can't plan everything out to the T.

Baby is measuring right where he should be, I'm measuring the same and only gained 2 pounds since the last appointment. I have no idea how much total I've gained as I've decided its better to not get fixed on the "right" number of pounds to gain.

Well that's all for now, this is my last week of summer break and my last monday off with Dustin so better go enjoy in. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We always tell patients 5lbs or less in between appointments (which is much better than limiting you to a set weight gain) :) Hope all is well!