Get ready... I'm gonna brag.....and not about Dax this time.... but about Dustin! :-)
Can I just say how nice it is to have a partner that I feel comfortable with in every way, shape and form????
While a lot of Dax's birth has become a blur and even though I ask Dustin A LOT to clarify how some things went down... I will never forget how sweet and reassuring Dustin was. I will never forget how he held my hand and told me he'd be right there with me in the operating room. I will also never forget the first time I looked at Dustin while he watched Dax and the love I saw. I will never forget him reminding me how tough Dax is when we were re-admitted to the hospital and I kind of fell a part. I will also never forget how he picked up the pieces of my emotions every time I needed to have a cry.
Dustin really is an amazing, wonderful man. It's not every guy that would really step up when his girlfriend needs help doing the most basic things like walking to the bathroom (and making sure I can handle all of that on my own).... putting on my shoes.... helping me in and out of bed. There were several times that I remember crying in the hospital and after we got home because I just felt so blessed to not have to ask for help. Not having to ask is really a big deal. For someone to know that you just need that extra time from them means so much. It was funny though because when I would say something about how nice it was for his help he would say something like "well of course, why wouldn't I?" The thing is not every guy would.
Not every guy will stay in the hospital for a week with his girlfriend and new baby- not leaving for more than about an hour at a time. Not every guy would sleep on probably the worlds most uncomfortable pull out bed when his own comfortable bed is less than a mile away. Not every guy would make sure we were taken care of before doing anything else. Not every guy would feed his girlfriend while she feeds his son.
I am seriously blessed to have Dustin in my life as my partner and as the father of our son.
I don't tell him that enough. Even if I told him every day I don't think I would feel it was enough.
I am also blessed to be able to leave Dax with Dustin at any point without worrying at all. Truly it doesn't even cross my mind to worry about Dax with Dustin. Not even for a second. Dustin is Dax's Dad. He loves him just as much as I do. Several of my friends have commented about Dustin having Dax on Mondays. Most of them say that their spouses/boyfriends would have never felt comfortable with a baby as little as Dax. It just reinforces everything that I already knew about Dustin. He does a WONDERFUL job with Dax. Dax loves his Daddy and will follow him with his eyes everywhere. I can't wait for the day that Dax can actually follow his Daddy around the house or gets even more excited to see him when he comes home.
Thank you Dustin for all that you do for me and our son. I love you more than words could ever express.
Look at my handsome boys!!!