WOW! It has been just a little bit of time since I posted last. Sorry! I'd love to say it's been busy but I'm really not sure that it has been.... I guess life with a toddler is busy though isn't it...
Life on the farm is wonderful although living on a farm comes with all of its interesting moments from not being able to get out of the driveway due to an excessive amount of snow, slush or ice to now MUD, lovely (insert sarcasm here) little creatures that are NOT welcome in our home but show up anyway, umm endless yard chores which I began to tackle the other day, planning what to do with the flower beds this year since we're pulling out the old, overgrown junipers. Oh how I hate those things! Ha! We're also plannin on scaling back the garden so we can use it this year and not let it just sit all summer. Part of it will be a dog run because we are SO tired of dog poo in the lawn and part of it will be corn and pumpkins... or that is the plan. I've never gardened before so this should be interesting. :-)
Dax is growing like a weed. He's almost 17 months old and slowly aquiring new words. :-) He says kitty (and it's sound), Axle (pronounced Daxle), cow, moo, woof, Mama, Dada, Sissy, Gigi, Papa, Bill, thank you, uh oh, down, hmm and others that I am probably forgetting. We try everyday to get him to say new words. He loves his puppies and kitties and playing outside. He's also been sick almost every day this month. What the heck? He's had pink eye, the stomach flu and this cold that just won't go away. Ugh! Love him to pieces but really hope he is healthy soon so we can all start getting some more sleep! :-)
Dustin and I were able to actually have a night, a full night, without Dax. It was my birthday present to myself back in February. Ha! Dax stayed with Gigi and Papa while Mama and Dada had a bonfire with some friends. It was great. I still work up at 7am wide away since Dax is always up by that time but was nice to not have to get right out of bed. We all did fantastically and Dustin only laughed a little when I said "I miss Dax" just a few hours after dropping him off. :-) It was a fun night though!
I'm sure there is more to write about or report but I can't think of it right now. I'm thinking this summer I may try to be a daily poster but we'll see... I wonder if anyone would read a daily blog written by me... hmmm... hahahhahahaha

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