Sunday, October 2, 2011

Day 4- 7 Wants

Today's was hard to come up with. I think part of it is because I feel so blessed to have the life I have that to 'want' more seems almost...wrong... but after a long time spent thinking I came up with my 7. Some were much easier than others. :-)

I want...

1. A healthy, happy family surrounded in love :)

2. Dax to be successful in his life

3. to not know anyone else diagnosed with cancer...too much of this 'c' word floating around and it just makes me sick.

4. Dax and Kyleigh to have a similar brother/sister relationship that I had with my brother.

5. a white suburban with leather interior and 2nd row captains chairs, oh and with a sunroof :-p

6. to go on a trip somewhere warm with Dustin and Dax... or maybe just Dustin haha

7. to remember that I am loved when I'm having a really crappy, drowning in craziness and frustration kind of day.

'See' you tomorrow...

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