Above is Mr. Dax's lips, nose and just above his nose is his closed fist. He hid his face for the entire ultrasound but was more than happy to show that he's a boy! :) He's healthy and doing great! He's spread out the width of my belly in the breech position and seems to be quite comfortable there. :) Aren't those the cutest lips and sweetest nose!
So heard from the nurse at my Dr's office today and I still have the Complete Placenta Previa. It hasn't budged. I'll admit this time the nurses call actually brought tears to my eyes because even though I have made the C-section "okay" it's everything else that could go wrong that terrifies me and I really had it in the back of my head that my placenta would get out of the way and we'd be good to go. I'm still not having any complications from the previa but there is the possibility of bleeding at any time and if the bleeding can't be controlled then he would need to be delivered early. That scares me, I know that I am tough, I know I'll be okay but the idea of him coming before he's really ready is just not something I even want to consider. I'm already madly in love with this little boy and want the very best for him. So if that means bedrest at some point or anything else then that's what I'll do. Bedrest hasn't been mentioned by my Dr because I'm not having any complications but I am curious to know what he's going to say at the next appointment and I really want to know where we go from here. I know he won't be able to give me all the answers I want but a scenerio of what he sees happening would be great. I've read they take babies at 36-37 weeks with a previa so that's another one of my questions, when will this baby be born since we can kind of set a date at this point I think, guess I'll find out at the next appointment. My next Apt. is the 10th so I'll update this after that I guess or whenever I need a moment to vent. :) I do get ANOTHER ultrasound out of the deal too in 4-6 weeks to check things out again.
Okay so on with my belly picture... this is actually taken at 26 weeks, 6 days but we'll call it 27 weeks.