Now I know if any of you reading this are mothers you probably have some motherly advice to give me about things to try and I would love to hear them but really, this is my fault and my problem because I truly do love sleeping with him. I love feeling his breath on my cheek and knowing he is okay whenever I feel the "need" to check. It also does drive me nuts. I want to be able to sleep with Dustin, I want to sleep a solid night without my son draped across me BUT I know this won't last forever. I know that he WILL sleep by himself sooner than I am probably going to be ready. I love this little boy and when he's with me I know he's okay.
Please don't think that I don't leave him alone, trust me, I do. He has stayed with all of his immediate family members for several hours at a time and truthfully... during that time... I really didn't miss him too much. I like being me for a little while and not just Dax's Mom. I adore being Dax's Mom but any Moms out there know that from time to time ya gotta get yourself back.
As I type this Dax is sacked out on my shoulder... I should go lay him down but I know he will wake up immediately. I should go put him down, I will go put him down...... tomorrow....
Ya see my problem????