I might cry! I had a more than 4 paragraph post written and all of a sudden it disappeared! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!! All that remained was the title.... that is total crap y'all! It was a good one too! Let's see if I can recreate it....
Well I'm back to my 4th year of school. We are moved into a beautiful new building and I'm sharing an office (with walls and a door that can't be made smaller!!) my buddy Lynnette. Oh how I love 'living' with her each day. okay so this year is going well... ok that might be just a slight fib... it's going good now but ya know when you feeling like you're just barely hanging on with your finger tips? Oh yeah that was me the last umm 3 weeks? This week is feeling better, like my head if getting above the water. I think that is the start of every year just getting things back in the swing of things. So I must tell you, I'm trying to have a better attitude this year in so many different ways. I really believe that deciding how you want to live makes a big difference. I am deciding that especially with work I am going to have a good attitude- I want to be more positive, I want to be more of an encourager and remember to smile more. I'm hoping it works because I think that it will. SO if I start grumbling too much remind me to see the sunshine for the rain because that's what I'm gonna try to do. It's gonna sprinkle but I'm going to try to see those little rays of sunshine coming through. :-) CAN YOU BELIEVE I've BEEN HERE FOR 4 YEARS?!?!?! WOWZA!
Daycare... Daycare... DAYCARE??? Oh my gosh! Yes, Dax is in daycare and we are so blessed. The daycare is downstairs in our gorgeous building and we are blessed with some WONDERFUL ladies to love on Dax when I can't and to take care of him when I need to be working. I am just so grateful for that. I was truly worried that on the 2nd week (or 2nd day) of daycare that Dax would burst into tears as soon as we saw the building. That hasn't happened, in fact I'd say (if he could walk) that he has a little pep in his step. He really does love it. He was some sweet little friends including cutie Ruby who calls him D-aaa-x in an airy little voice and Ty who has some serious conversations with Dax (I guess it kind of sounded like they were cussing eachother out last week).
Speaking of Mr. Dax- he is growing like a weed! He is a speed racer crawler, walks around all the furniture, has stood by himself, but thank goodness still likes a good cuddle! Oh he is such a sweet boy. Can you believe that in just 11 short days he will be 11 months? WHAT?!? No way Jose, I'm sorry but I'm not ready for this but he really is just so much fun. He says Mom (when he is upset), Dad, dog and kitty but Dad and dog are for sure his favorite! He loves the "d" sound. Dad and dog are almost always coming out of his mouth. :-) As soon as we get out of the car at home he is already looking for Dakota. He is in love with her and can't get enough of watching her. We walk past the window and he says 'dog, dog, dog' it's too cute. Oh and he's mastered the two steps from the living room to the dining room. It was kind of funny though because when we tried to get a video of him mastering the stairs he of course tumbled down them (don't worry they are well carpeted and padded). He does this super cute crab walk down the two steps- oh I am giggling now thinking about it! It really is too cute!
Okay the house, I'm going to speak for the three of us and say that we are getting pretty settled in. The only room not set up is the 'man cave.' Maybe that will be his winter project. :-) It is SO nice to have so much more room and not feel like we're on top of each other all the time. Dax love crawling all over and thinks it's funny to crawl in a circle around the kitchen. Going to start some landscape projects soon- there were some scraggly (is that a word?) juniper bushes that just need to go so Dustin is excited to pull them out. woo-hoo! Already took the 'before' pictures.
Okay now for some pictures...

1 comment:
11 months? My goodness time flies. Can't wait to see him again soon! He's such a cutie!!
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