Little things that I got to noticing the other day about Dax and don't know how else to record them :-)
- Whenever he sits he crosses his ankles. His carseat, on the couch, in someone's lap. The only place he doesn't is in his high chair because he just can't. :-)
-He's a nose wrinkler. Usually it's to be silly or cute on purpose. He KNOWS it will make anyone smile at him.
-Dax loves to people watch. On a recent shopping trip my Aunt was so surprised at how good Dax was in the mall all day. That's because there are A LOT of people to watch at the mall. If someone or something is moving Dax is interested in it.
-He basically yells at his Dad from the second Dustin gets up in the morning until he leaves for work. He says Dah, Da-d, Dada in various intensities and volumes depending on where Dustin is and Dustin is so good about talking right back to him. They go back and forth for at least 5 minutes each morning. It is so cute!
-While Dax doesn't always just right into playing with kids his own age he LOVES playing with big kids. I think part of it is that they play with HIM instead of him trying to play with someone else.
-He is so passive. Dax will pretty much give anyone anything that he has without a problem. In a lot of ways its sweet and I hope he keeps a lot of this but sometimes I just want to say 'it is okay to not let ___ insert name here___ have your toy, Dax'
-Boy does he loves us. There is nothing like coming back after leaving him and seeing his face light up and run for you. He gets so excited when Dustin gets home at night and just loves to be right with him.
-He loves his sister. I mean really loves her. When she comes over it takes a second for him to get his groove but then he falls her like a shadow and wants nothing more than to play with her. Of course the pink tent in her room helps with this too. :-)
-He doesn't hit anyone else except Mom. What the heck? He knows he's not supposed to because as soon as he does he will try to lay his head on whatever part of me he can get to. Usually it's my knee because he gets put down and told NO! as soon as he does it. Little stinker!
-If you ask Dax a question, no matter what it is, he will shake his head no. Although lately he has figured out how to nod yes but doesn't do it often. :-)
-My Dad pointed out the other day that Dax has become a great listener. If you tell him to do something or go somewhere he usually does. Hopefully this continues!
- He is in love with his daycare provider Kim. He really likes the other ladies too but will blow Kim kisses over and over when we leave.
-Speaking of daycare... wow does he enjoy his time there. He has some very sweet little friends and they are all quite a team. Almost all of them (9 on Wednesdays) are walking which is quite the contrast to September when they were all either sitters or crawlers (except the 2 oldest boys).
We are so blessed by Dax and all that he brings to our lives. I love that I have a place to put down these little things or I'm afraid I would forget them!