So to be totally honest, I think New Years resolutions are silly. We never stick to them, so why make them???
Now, that being said. I'm going to see if posting on here what I would LIKE to do in 2012 will help me stick to it. I usually keep my resolutions to myself because I know I'll only stick to it for a couple of weeks. ha! SO my New Years resolution for 2012 is..... to be more healthy.
I figure that is broad enough to hopefully make it stick for at least a couple of months. I am a very healthy person (meaning I almost never get colds or other bugs) but I can always improve---I need to eat better and exercise more.
My biggest issue with exercise is I get bored very quickly. I hate exercising in the house and since we live in the middle of a big hill it's hard to take Dax with me for walks. SO those are my excuses for not exercising... I'm going to try to get over the exercising in the house one, ha! :) My goal is to exercise for 1/2 an hour 2-3 times a week and then slowly increase the frequency. I think I can get up 1/2 an hour early a few days a week and accomplish this without the help of Mr. Dax.
For those who know me I am not very good at eating good foods like veggies. For most I can't stand their texture. I have already done a lot better with expanding my food selections but this year I want to do even more 'trying' :)
Well there, I did it, it's public... let's see if I stick to it. :)
Wishing you and yours a wonderful, blessed 2012!!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
It's my favorite time of the year
I have always loved Christmas but there is something that much more magical about it when you include your own children. Even with having Children to remind us to slow down and enjoy this time of the year-sometimes I think we lose sight though about what Christmas is really about. I believe in God and that Christmas is the celebration of Jesus' birth. I believe that the gifts we give to each other are representation of the gifts given by the Wise Men to Jesus following his birth. That being said, I often wonder about those who don't believe in Jesus. I wonder what they really believe Christmas represents. It feels so sad to think that for them Christmas may just be about the presents. I hope and pray for those people, that if nothing else they recognize that Christmas is a time to get together with family and share the love that fills this season.
Our Christmas' have always been very busy. Even before Dustin and I got together, my family was all over the place on Christmas day. Now we have 5 Christmas' in 2 days-3 on Christmas day. Ya know what though, I wouldn't have it any other way! We get to see almost all of our family in 2 days and to me, that's important. I get all excited just thinking about it! :)
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and I hope I get to see you over Winter Break.
With my bonus girl, Kyleigh, in our matching snowman hats.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
My story about Santa
Last year one of my friends at work was asking us all what we were told growing up or what we tell kiddos about Santa when asked if he is real. So while standing in the hallway coming up with ideas here is what I put together from what A. I was told growing up B. What I have come up with as an adult and C. What a pulled out of my @$$ at that very moment. Ha! I hope you enjoy....
Child: Mommy Santa isn't real, is he?
Mom: WHAT (shock, horror, panic) who told you that?
Child: Some kid at school.
Mom: You know that I still believe in Santa don't you?
Child: So he is real?
Mom: I believe that Santa is real. That Santa comes to us each year to bring us happiness and excitement on top of a very special present Christmas morning. I also believe that when you stop believing in Santa he stops coming. That's why I still believe in him, I'm afraid if I didn't believe he wouldn't visit us.
Child: So what about those kids that don't believe? My friend at school says that YOU put my present under the tree.
Mom: If a child doesn't believe in Santa then yes, his/her parents do put the present out from Santa BECAUSE they don't believe anymore so Santa doesn't come to their house. Wouldn't they be sad if they woke up Christmas morning and there wasn't a Santa present under the tree.
Child: Yeah, of course. So do you put the present under the tree or does Santa?
Mom: Well, do you believe in Santa?
At this point I have no idea how the rest of the story would go because... well... I haven't had to REALLY give this talk before... I am REALLY hoping that at this point Kyleigh or Dax would say 'It's okay Mom, that kid was STUPID and of course I believe in Santa still. '
I dread the day that Kyleigh and Dax stop believing in Santa. While I do believe that Christ is the true reason for the season, Santa lends a certain element of child-like excitement in all of us.
For the record, I do still believe in Santa. Santa brings booze to my parents house for all the adults that still believe. :-p
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