Basically, my placenta is no longer covering my cervix BUT is close enough that we're going to have to do another ultrasound in a few weeks to determine if it has moved far enough out of the way to not become a problem. Needless to say, I am completely frustrated. I am SO happy that I don't have to worry as much about bleeding and other complications that go along with a Complete Placenta Previa and SO grateful that I haven't had any of the issues but so frustrated because I really thought that we would have answers at this point. I guess not... so we're still in limbo... we still just don't know if Dax will be arriving via C-section or not.
Below are two of the three ultrasound pictures we got at the ultrasound.
We finally got a profile shot!!!! His hands were still up by his face but enough out of the way to get this picture and one other of his profile.

We also got another picture of his nose and lips AND his chubby little cheeks. Aren't they just too cute!!

Some other cool facts we found out at the ultrasound- Dax is weighing in at about 5 pounds and the really cool thing we found out... HE HAS HAIR! I still can't believe that hair can be seen on an ultrasound. Now we'll just see if it's accurate when he arrives.
Just 6 more weeks until his due date!!!
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