Dax learned to clap last night! He gets so excited probably because I of course say "Yeah Dax" everytime he does it. It is just so cute! I am so amazed at all the new things he does everyday. Some of which I don't even think about because they just happen. He is such a boy too. He would much rather play with hard plastic things, chew on everything rather than snuggle with anything soft... except Mom... and any other person who will snuggle with him... okay he does like to snuggle but not with toys. :-)
Dax LOVES food especially sweet potatoes. He will eat almost anything except peas (those don't last 2 seconds in his mouth) but will get bored with it or just be done eating before we get through a jar. BUT if you are feeding him sweet potatoes he will eat the entire jar! It's the food that gets sent with him to the babysitters because I know he'll eat it like a trooper. He is also a very noisy eater. You know for sure if he likes what he's eating because he will tell you! It Mmmmm as you put the spoon in and some other happy noise that I can't spell as he's swallowing. So much fun!
SO did y'all know that when a baby is teething they can get a hemotoma on their gums? I didn't know this until Dax got one and I took him to the Dr. He has a collection of blood between his 5th (yes I said 5th) tooth and his gums. While it doesn't mean anything bad for him I'm glad I went to the Dr. because when it does break through the blood will come out and that would TOTALLY freak me out had my Dr. not said it was totally okay. OOO THUNDER (sorry side note) hee hee! I love my Dr. He is so nice and played with Dax for a little bit and commented on how much he has changed. Truly I don't hardly except him to remember us from visit to visit because I know he is a popular Doctor and sees a lot of patients but he seems to always remember. In fact at one of our appointments he said "hey saw you at Super One last week but didn't get to say hi to you before you left" I love that! :-) It probably helps too that Dax is probably the only Dax he has as a patient. hee hee!
Okay here are three pictures from May... June pictures are still on my camera... I know.. I'm bad!

Pulls himself up to his knees on the crib rail!
1 comment:
What a cute big boy! I can't wait to see him again. Hope you are enjoying the summer!
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