I am taking it... the 10 day You Challenge... anyone else want to??
Okay Day 1... 10 Secrets...
1. My name is Becky and I am addicted to shopping online. :-p
2. I miss my classroom.
3. I sing in the car and think I sound good... but only when I'm by myself do I sound good. :-p
4. I have only held 1 grudge my whole life. I'm still holding on to it too.
5. The only time I drive the speed limit is when Dax is in the car. Otherwise I am almost always 5 over.
6. I have to talk things through to feel better about them. Several of my friends know this but because of my anxiety disorder I 'circle' subjects for a long time before letting them go.
7. I am truly terrified to have a daughter someday... so not sure we'll have another baby. If I knew I would have another little boy I would talk Dustin into having a baby.
8. When Dustin and I were neighbors in 1st grade I used to make him play Barbies and House with me.
9. I want to be a stay at home mom. (Not really sure that is a secret)
10. I regret my college years. I still to this day wish I had spent more time on campus and made more friends. I LOVED Whitworth and my experience there... just wish I'd had more of it.
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