Saturday, September 10, 2011

10 on 10-September

Ten pictures from my day...
wish I had remembered this project first thing in the morning...
missed some prime morning Dax shots, darn!

I just love the old chicken coop on our property
Had to get a shot of it :-)

Fall colors!

Can you say YUM!?
Vanilla Yogurt with Blueberry pie filling!

It was at least 90 degrees today but the kittens still curled up together to nap

Mama and Dax

Dakota sneaking in a lick

Sweet little white butterfly on my lavender

Beautiful sunflowers from my Grandma's house
sorry it's sideways, couldn't get the darn thing to turn

Mom and I were laughing because this squash was almost as big as Dax.

Carrying the freshly cut sunflowers inside

1 comment:

Nellee said...

great pictures! dax is getting so big