So far I'm not feeling big or anything, I actually feel pretty small for being 22 weeks until I look at the above pictures than I think I look pretty good for being 22 weeks. :) According to my last Dr apt. I still haven't gained any weight but the baby is growing like a weed- my appointment was at 21 weeks and I was measuring 22 weeks. Baby is totally healthy but I have a tiny issue that may not even be an issue by the time we get to delivery- I have a complete placenta previa- DON'T google it-- it freaked me out when I did that. Basically it means that the placenta is completely blocked my cervix and at this point I will have to have a C-section around 37 weeks. NOW I know that my placenta can still migrate out of the way SO I'm not freaking out at this point at all and if I have to have a C-section that okay too- not what I want to happen but I'm okay with it. My Dr says not to worry at this point because I've had no bleeding so far and the baby is healthy and my cervix is long and thick. SO if you have a horror story of Placenta Previa, I really DON'T want to hear it but if you have a good story about the placenta moving out of the way and having a healthy delivery then go for it, I'd love to hear those things. :-) The exciting part about this is we get to have another ultrasound on July 28!! Which I am SUPER excited about because we only got ONE picture of the baby! One, that's right I said it, one! So at the next ultrasound I'm going to ask for at least a couple pictures. :-)
We, meaning Dustin, got the crib put up this week too! I love being able to walk into what will be Kyleigh and Dax's room and see his bed all set up- even though he probably won't actually sleep in there for quite some time it still makes it partly HIS space. Once that was done I got an itch and ordered all the baby bedding!! I also ordered 3 very sweet pictures to add to the room- one is of a little boy with his arm around a Lassie type dog that says "Boys best friend" to go above his dresser I think, the second is of a little girl sitting next to a dog both with floaty rings around their waists to go above what will be Kyleigh's bed and last but not least a very sweet picture of a crescent moon that says Sleep Tight little prince. The two kid pictures are black and white and the moon picture goes with the bedding. I'll be sure to put pictures up as we get everything set up. :-) I am LOVING knowing we're having a little boy!
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