Thursday, April 12, 2012

10 on 10 April

I've decided to modify the 'rules' of 10 on 10 so that I can be more successful... I have decided that instead of 10 pictures from 10 hours in a row (or as close as possible to that) that I am going to try for 10 pictures from the 10th day of each month. It's just the way it's going to have to be. :) Enjoy..

We got to jump out of bed this morning and chase the cows back into the field... too bad they ignored the open gate and all 7 jumped over the fence breaking the top board. Dustin patched things together so my Dad could cover over after work and give it a more sturdy fix. Stupid cows!
12:30 am 
Posted a new blog post. I really, really like the format/backdrop of my blog currently.
Don't think it will be changed for quite awhile. :)

THIS is what Dax looks like right after his nap.
Gotta love that hair!

Dax just about couldn't WAIT for Mommy to get off work so we could go for a walk.
I just love his cowboy boots and so does he!

Headed to the end of the driveway to check the mail!

4-wheeler ride with Papa to go fix the fence. 

My garden frog and spring tulips coming up

STILL 5:30pm
This little man opened the door for me :)

My very first PINK daffodil!
 I didn't even know they existed!

All ready for bed!