Tuesday, April 3, 2012

LOVE this boy!

Dax is two and a half and SO much fun! I LOVED the baby stage of his life (and miss it something fierce) but am really enjoying my silly, curious, loving little boy! For me he just turned into a little boy these last few weeks. He sits by me on the couch now instead of always in my lap. He answers questions and can recount parts of his day. He remembers his friends names and talks about them all the time. He has a 'girlfriend' :) Miss Alli and Dax hold hands at daycare, walk up and down the hall holding hands and I hear they squable like a little old married couple. Alli's Mom is one of my sweet friends so I am so happy she and Dax are such good buddies. They have gone to daycare together since they were about 6 and 9 months old. Dax LOVES going to daycare and will sometimes ask to go to 'Eens' (Maureen's) house at random times when we're home. He hardly even says by to me when we get there because he's so excited to play with his friends.

Dax has a serious soft spot for animals. He adores his two kittens-- who are now turning into big kitties--our dogs Axle and Dakota, the pets at daycare, and of course, the cows! He thinks the cows are pretty way cool and is so happy Papa got him some more to watch. :) His most recent excitement is seeing 'melk' (elk) with Papa. It's been several days since he's seem them and if you ask him what he say with Papa, he'll say 'see melk.'

Here are some pictures. I can always tell when I've either been busy or really stressed out because we have hardly ANY pictures!

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