Wednesday, December 23, 2009
What I learned from having a C-section
1. Be prepared, even if you have this idea in your head that you WILL get an epidural be ready for the fact that you might not be able to get in for quite awhile. We didn't take a child birth class but watched a DVD series and I felt like it prepared us enough. We didn't do any fancy breathing but for me just breathing deeply and slowly through the contractions really helped.
2. Contractions are much more painful, for me, when I was by myself. It seemed like every time I went to the bathroom or when a contractions started and Dustin was across the room they hurt a lot more. As soon as I could hold onto Dustin or he touched me in anyway I relaxed and could handle the pain a lot easier.
3. Distractions while in labor are key! I had my laptop with me and just cruising facebook or myspace helped the time go by... course when you're in labor for 30 hours nothing really helps.
4. If you don't want people at the hospital tell them you are doing just fine and will let them know when you are ready for company. I always thought I would want my family and close friends at the hospital to help pass the time while I was in labor. When it came down to it all I wanted was Dustin and didn't want any other people there. I told my Mom afterwards that the real reason I didn't want her to come right away was because I knew I would fall apart if she was there and I didn't need to do that at that time.
5. C-sections are not the end of the world. They put a whole new twist onto having a baby and to what you can do right after the baby arrives but as long as you are prepared with a support system you will be just fine. Be prepared to not want to move for about 2 weeks and really you won't be able to do much. DO GET OUT OF BED AND OFF THE COUCH! I put getting out of the hospital bed off an extra 12 hours and I almost wish I hadn't. After the first time getting out of bed, which did hurt A LOT, it got much easier and the first shower was definitely worth the initial painful walk to the bathroom.
6. Let the nurses, your family and your husband/boyfriend do all the work. There really is no reason to push yourself to do much more than relax, sleep and feed the baby. I changed 1 diaper in the hospital before we left the first time and that was only because the nurse had just left and I felt guilty calling her back. When we were re-admitted I took over the diapering and Dustin did all the paperwork--- we had to weigh Dax before feedings, after feedings and all of his diapers. Tag team everything!
7. Cry! If you feel the need to cry do it. Even though you'll probably feel pretty silly it really is important to get those emotions out. For me crying usually meant that I was exhausted. Dustin or my Mom would always send me to bed after a crying spree and I always felt better when I got up, even if it was only 5 minutes of stretching out.
8. Newborn clothes and 0-3 month clothes are NOT the same! haha! I asked my friend Carley if they were the same and she informed me they were not but for some reason i didn't believe her initially, sorry Carley! I should never doubt my pregnancy guru. I actually sent my Mom out to buy Dax a couple sleepers because he just didn't have enough clothes for being so little. I would suggest having 1 or 2 premie size sleepers because if you have a under 7 pound baby you will probably want them to look like they actually fit into their clothes at least occasionally.
9. Take everything that isn't nailed down from the hospital room. I didn't realize that once something is checked out to your room- like glucose water, diapers, wipes, or cups- it can't be taken back. We had 3 bottles of glucose water in our room when Dax was in for his jaundice that weren't opened that would have been thrown away if we didn't take them.
10. Okay I think this is my final one at the point ha ha! It's the most important one too! LET PEOPLE HELP YOU!!! This one was hard for me because the things I needed help with had nothing to do with the baby. I had the dumb idea that I could work and have a newborn. DUMB DUMB DUMB! I did it but needed help from some of my wonderful co-workers and letting them help made me feel guilty but was necessary and they all said they wanted to help. Remember when you want to help those around you?? Well this is your time to be helped, let people help.
Good timing... Dax is just waking up. Later gator!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
I have an 8 week old baby!
Okay now I'm done whining. I shouldn't be whining because I am blessed to have a job that allows me to bring my baby to work. Not many people can do that!
As soon as I find the cord for my camera I'll update pictures of the little man! He is so big!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Family Pictures!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
1 month

Monday, November 9, 2009
other little stories
1. Those of you who know me will be shocked to hear that the whole time we were in the hospital following Dax's birth I didn't wear one stitch of make up. Not by choice mind you, Dustin held my make up hostage and wouldn't bring it to the hospital.
2. From the time we left the house until we got to the hospital and even until Dr. Shannon said "Yes your water broke" I kept saying, I am going to feel so dumb when I get sent home 'cause my water really didn't break. Course that didn't happen but I was sure it was going to.
3. Dustin made at least 3 trips home on the 24th to get stuff for me... my bag to start with, then the laptop and I can't remember what the other trip was for but he said he felt like we were moving in.
4. We had THE BEST OB nurses and Acute Care nurses (well most of those). Our OB nurses were so sweet and caring and patient. They let us do our "thing." They were never pushy or ever made me feel uncomfortable. Even though it was the very first time I had met these women they treated me like their long lost friend. I am truly grateful for that experience.
5. We had one male nurse in the Acute Care area. I think we intimidated him. He hadn't changed a diaper and I couldn't do it at the time and it was the middle of the night and Dustin was fast asleep. He had to call another nurse in to help him. Totally cracked me up.
6. I have the best man in the entire world. Dustin is amazing! I have said that over and over but I really truly mean it. He is so sweet with Dax and he has done such a great job taking care of us. From helping me out of bed and to the bathroom, taking Dax and making me go take a nap, and the list goes on and on. I know this is the stuff that is supposed to happen but when it does happen it just feels so great. The best part, he didn't even think twice about any of it. I love you Dustin. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
7.I always thought I would want my parents and my closest friends at the hospital when Dax arrived but when it came down to it all I wanted was Dustin. It worked out pretty well that things were dragging along because I kept putting people off coming up because it was taking so long so in the end it ended up being just me and Dustin. It really was perfect.
8. One of the worst parts of Dax's arrival was being re-admitted for his jaundice. Our wonderful nurse was so sweet the day before and gave us a heads up about his levels and what to expect. I was completely emotional. I cried a lot. Not because I was sad but because I wasn't in control and wanted Dax to be totally and completely healthy. Dustin was great, he kept telling me that Dax is tough and that he'll be okay. Thankfully it was only 2 nights but by the time we got home I was completely DONE with hospitals!
I think that's it for now.... or at least what I can remember.... :)
Dax Paul is here!

Friday, October 2, 2009
The happenings at 36 weeks...
Well I think I would consider us in the home stretch now, we're officially 36 weeks along and only 28 days from his due date!
I had a Dr's appointment this afternon (who in there right mind would schedule a 4:30 appointment???). We didn't learn anything new... I gained 2 pounds and am measuring 34 weeks instead of 36 but my Dr. said not to worry about that. It was a good appointment and we have an ultrasound scheduled for bright and early Monday morning. Hopefully it will be the last one. :)
In the last week I feel like my body has truly been taken over by another being. Dax seems to think that he doesn't have any more room (and I tend to agree with him) and is using all of his might to stretch out his little hot tub. Pretty sure he would like to have my ribs removed until he vacates- last night I had to put my arms over my head and stretch out as far as possible just to get him to stop pushing on them. I really do still LOVE feeling him move around but it is getting much more painful. Last night he had the hiccups for quite awhile and they actual hurt. I made Dustin put his hand on my belly because you could REALLY feel them from the outside.
Speaking of my wonderful man, he has been giving my belly a lot more attention lately. He thinks it's hilarious to wake Mr. Dax up, especially when I am all settled into bed. It really doesn't bug me because I love that Dustin wants to feel the baby move and knows exactly what to do to get him to move around. I am SO excited to get to watch Dustin with him once he arrives.
Rhea's daughter, Keona, came to visit me on Wednesday. The following is the conversation we had as she was rubbing my belly:
Keona: Is the baby still in your belly?
Me: Yes he is
Keona: I can't see him yet?
Me: Nope not yet
Keona: but I want to see him
Me: (grabbing the ultrasound picture off my wall) well this is actually a picture of him in my belly
Keona: oh, okay. He is very cute
I just love 3 year olds!
Okay that's all from me this week! Hope you are all doing WONDERFULLLY! I can't wait til I get to post a Welcome Baby Dax announcement!!!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
New Favorites!
I just got myself and a friend a nursing cover for half what they would have cost in the store!! So awesome. :)
Friday, September 18, 2009
What I know from my Dr's Appointment today...

We also got another picture of his nose and lips AND his chubby little cheeks. Aren't they just too cute!!

Some other cool facts we found out at the ultrasound- Dax is weighing in at about 5 pounds and the really cool thing we found out... HE HAS HAIR! I still can't believe that hair can be seen on an ultrasound. Now we'll just see if it's accurate when he arrives.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
1. losing sight of my toes- I can still see them! I can still paint them even! It's a little more difficult and I usually end up putting glitter over the paint to disguise the mistakes but I can still do it all on my own.
2. My belly button- I still have one y'all! It hasn't popped or flattened out yet... guess that means that baby isn't done yet, right?
3. The size of my belly- I seriously thought that with only 6 weeks to go in this pregnancy that I would be toting around a GIGANTIC belly but I am still getting the "oh you're so small" comments everyday... except from Dax's handsome father who reminds me that even though my belly isn't huge it is definitely there. haha!
4. Ultrasounds- I totally did not realize how much joy and frustration ultrasounds would bring into my life. The joy and excitement that comes each time I gaze at Dax on the fuzzy screen or learn something new about him blows my mind and makes every ache and pain worth it BUT the frustration that comes with the bill after each of them and the uncertainty of how he is making his way into this world is driving me nuts! I did get the results from my last ultrasound... but I'm saving those for after my Dr's appointment tomorrow so I have "official" news instead of my assumptions to tell y'all.
5. Preparedness- Is that really a word? Okay so I seriously thought that by this point I would feel like I knew what was going on, I thought I would feel in control and like everything is where it should be. I totally do not! I know we are ready for him, I know that we have all of the essentials, and I know that really truly you can't be prepared for your first baby BUT that doesn't stop me from wondering " Are we REALLY ready?" "Can we handle taking care of a brand new baby 24/7??" okay must pause with post to take deep breaths haha!
6. I did not realize that people telling me how my baby is going to act would drive me completely bonkers! Seriously people, if I don't even know him REALLY how can YOU know what he is going to be like??
7. I will never get tired of how excited and curious my brother is about this coming baby. He is always poking my belly and trying to get his nephew to move so he can feel him-- it hasn't worked yet. I've also been amazed at the questions he has asked me about being pregnant and how I feel-not just about being pregnant but being a mom in general.
8. How wierd it still feels to know that I'm pregnant. Ever since I was little I have wanted to have a baby, to be a mommy but now that I actually am it feels so foreign, so odd. Maybe that's related to how much of a surprise this baby was but I really thought that by now I'd think of this as "normal."
9. His Name- it was made me laugh and shake my head sometimes with how people react to the name we picked out for our little guy. The funny thing is that I really don't care if they like it or not. It just feels like his name, I haven't thought for even a second that Dax just isn't going to work for him. Of course he isn't here yet so maybe when we get a good look at him it won't seem right but I can't imagine any other name for him. My mom suggested that we spell is name with an extra "x" at the end but after discussing it with Dustin we decided against it... I shouldn't say we discussed it, really the conversation went like this: Me: "I'm not sure about the extra 'x' I've already written it so many times with 1 'x'" Dustin: "We're not doing the extra 'x'" Case closed. :)
10. I really was not prepared for the generosity of others. We have so many wonderful friends and family members that have offered to let us borrow things or have their baby items that won't be needed anymore or have offered advice on what you REALLY need when you have a baby and what really isn't necessary. We are truly blessed! Have I mentioned all the fun new baby clothes and items we have received? Thank you just isn't enough to express how grateful we are to our friends and family!
11.Heart burn... oh the heartburn! I'm pretty sure that everything I put into my mouth gives me heartburn with the exception of chocolate milk. Plain milk probably wouldn't either but I can't stand the stuff, haha!
12. I LOVE feeling Dax move. Sometimes I will poke at or push (lightly) on different areas of my belly to feel him move around. The other cute thing is if Kyleigh is sitting on my lap he will kick at her. He also has a tendancy to move when Dustin starts talking, I think this is so wonderful because to me it's him saying, That's my Dad, I know him! :)
13. Not feeling like I have to be skinny for the first time in my life, the rounder the better! Enough said. :)
14. Dustin and I created a life, how awesome is that?!?! We created a little boy who will join us in roughly 6 weeks!! (he will be getting a memo in about 3 weeks reminding him of his due date)
I think that rounds out my little list here. :) I know it's completely random but... well... that's my mind these days!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Holy Cow I'm 33 weeks pregnant!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Let's compare shall we

We're back to a "maybe"
Baby is measuring right where he should be, I'm measuring the same and only gained 2 pounds since the last appointment. I have no idea how much total I've gained as I've decided its better to not get fixed on the "right" number of pounds to gain.
Well that's all for now, this is my last week of summer break and my last monday off with Dustin so better go enjoy in. :)
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Ultrasound #2

Thursday, July 23, 2009
Peony Plum Flower Candle
The last 3 days have been killer on my middle region. I have been in a class from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm with very little breaks. Which means lots of sitting still and sitting has not been a good thing for my prego body so far but usually I am somewhere where I can go stretch out for a few minutes to "fix" the issue. Not the case this week. I am so grateful to have a wonderful massage lady-- I'll have to ask Melissa what she prefers to be called- and I'm going to go visit her tomorrow for an hour of sheer bliss and the great treat of laying on my tummy. No I'm not actually flat on my tummy-- don't even think I could get flat on my tummy but the pillow I lay on has a hole cut out for my ever expanding midsection and I didn't realize how much I would LOVE that pillow until the other night when I was SO wishing I could just take a second to spread out face down on the bed.... it didn't happen but tomorrow it will!!! YAHOO!!!!
Better run! Hope everything is great with everyone out there. I'll post after my ultrasound on Tuesday. :)
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
We have a name...
Okay so... the name we picked out is Dax Paul. He will carry on his Dad and Grandpa's name tradition of being a "D" first name and Paul for the middle name. As soon as we both heard Dax we were sold, just didn't feel like any other "D" name would really fit. Although we do have a lot of wonderful Daniels in our family... which would be part of the reason for not choosing the name and it's a little too traditional for both of us.
It's been interesting how people respond when they hear the name you've chosen for your child. I've gotten a lot of "Oh that's cute" and "That will be a strong name" the strong name comment usually comes after they have had a moment or two to think about it. I agree, it's unique but not so far out in left field that no one can pronounce it or spell it. Being a teacher that is one of the hardest parts about coming into a classroom- screwing a kid's name up over and over again. Ugh!
So had a Dr apt. yesterday-measuring right on track and Mr. Dax kicked the doppler over and over again when the Dr was trying to listen to his heart rate. Dr said this is a great sign that spontaneous movement can be triggered by something as light as the doppler--- I was thinking that he was just trying to be a stinker like his Dad. :) SO everything is good, another ultrasound on the 28th to check where my placenta is and hopefully get some more shots to take home of my D man! :)
Friday, June 26, 2009
22 weeks
So far I'm not feeling big or anything, I actually feel pretty small for being 22 weeks until I look at the above pictures than I think I look pretty good for being 22 weeks. :) According to my last Dr apt. I still haven't gained any weight but the baby is growing like a weed- my appointment was at 21 weeks and I was measuring 22 weeks. Baby is totally healthy but I have a tiny issue that may not even be an issue by the time we get to delivery- I have a complete placenta previa- DON'T google it-- it freaked me out when I did that. Basically it means that the placenta is completely blocked my cervix and at this point I will have to have a C-section around 37 weeks. NOW I know that my placenta can still migrate out of the way SO I'm not freaking out at this point at all and if I have to have a C-section that okay too- not what I want to happen but I'm okay with it. My Dr says not to worry at this point because I've had no bleeding so far and the baby is healthy and my cervix is long and thick. SO if you have a horror story of Placenta Previa, I really DON'T want to hear it but if you have a good story about the placenta moving out of the way and having a healthy delivery then go for it, I'd love to hear those things. :-) The exciting part about this is we get to have another ultrasound on July 28!! Which I am SUPER excited about because we only got ONE picture of the baby! One, that's right I said it, one! So at the next ultrasound I'm going to ask for at least a couple pictures. :-)
We, meaning Dustin, got the crib put up this week too! I love being able to walk into what will be Kyleigh and Dax's room and see his bed all set up- even though he probably won't actually sleep in there for quite some time it still makes it partly HIS space. Once that was done I got an itch and ordered all the baby bedding!! I also ordered 3 very sweet pictures to add to the room- one is of a little boy with his arm around a Lassie type dog that says "Boys best friend" to go above his dresser I think, the second is of a little girl sitting next to a dog both with floaty rings around their waists to go above what will be Kyleigh's bed and last but not least a very sweet picture of a crescent moon that says Sleep Tight little prince. The two kid pictures are black and white and the moon picture goes with the bedding. I'll be sure to put pictures up as we get everything set up. :-) I am LOVING knowing we're having a little boy!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
It's a....
The ultrasound tech was very cute, she said "ultrasound isn't 100% accurate but you can't deny what was there, when it's there it's there" So we are over the moon! Now I worry she is wrong and it is a girl but I saw it with my own eyes! From what I saw everything looked great, of course the techs can't tell you much of anything because they aren't your doctor but she didn't seem alarmed by anything or take a ton of time on anything except his heart because he kept moving and she even kept commenting about how hard it was to get a clear picture 'cause he was on the move all the time. :) Anyway I would put a picture up of the little guy but the only picture she gave us is of his arm, which is a very handsome arm but not really anything too interesting to look at :) He was moving around like crazy so it took her awhile to get all 81 pictures, that's right, I said 81!! Maybe the Dr will give us some of the ones he will get... one could hope, right?? :)
Okay so I have to share my funny now story--- so when we get to the hospital the lady sitting next to us said that she had been waiting 45 minutes past her apt. time, now anyone who has had an OB ultrasound knows that you have to pee almost as soon as you get there, I am no exception to this. Dustin thought my need to "release" was hilarious until I thought I was going to cry and pee my pants because they were truly 45 minutes behind!! It got so bad that it hurt to hold it any longer. I finally couldn't take it anymore and asked the receptionist how much longer it would be and that even if it was going to be only 5 more minutes that there was no way I could wait that long. SO she finds, what looks like, a big clear Dixie cut--- ya know like the red ones you make alcoholic beverages in at parties-- and said you can fill this to the second to the top line... then tells me she isn't sure where the bathroom is because we are in the new wing of the hospitol!!! I then glanced down the hallway and say the universal sign for bathroom, ya know the blue guy, girl and wheel chair all on one sign and started booking it down the hallway. Needless to say, I filled the cup and still had to pee, badly! SO went and sat back down next to Dustin for 15 minutes and had to go DESPERATELY again but instead of asking the receptionist for permission I ran to the bathroom without the cup. Oh man did that feel good! Turns out when I went in for the actual ultrasound my bladder was still plenty full-- so note to women out there-- if you are in pain or need to go very, VERY, VERY, VERY badly, go! Don't let go of everything but GO! :)
Monday, June 15, 2009
20 weeks!

Thursday, June 4, 2009
What a difference a few days makes...
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Little bump

No, that's not my bathroom. I took this picture at work in the bathroom- glad no one saw me walk in their with a camera ha ha!

Monday, May 25, 2009
17 weeks
Speaking of which... starting to collect everyone's guess...what do you think we're having? Are we gonna get some blue in our lives or more pink? :)
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Anne Marie and Me!
6 weeks
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Did you see the ticker?
Due October 30, 2009
Heartbeat was 160 beats per minute at last apt.
Yes, we will find out what we are having-should find out what we're having in June-- if anyone say's A BABY I might scream ha ha. I think it's a boy, Dustin's parents are pretty sure it's a girl, Rhea wants a girl, Leah thinks its a boy.... so anyone else care to guess??
I promise to keep you all updated on the happenings of this pregnancy. No baby bump yet but my jeans are so uncomfortable by the end of the day that I am miserable so I'm already in maternity pants... don't laugh! I got some really cute jeans and capris from Old Navy that don't look like maternity pants unless you notice the elastic band.
Dustin has been so awesome and supportive, we both heard the heartbeat at the last appointment and he got a big grin on his face when he heard it. He's taken great care of me when I don't feel good--- which has been the last 8 weeks. Thankfully I'm finally starting to feel better, just exhausted!
Well that's all the update I have for now. :)
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Dustin and I did get moved into our new house! We're getting unpacked and starting to get a little settled in... there is still a lot to unpack and we still have to move the kitchen table. I'll post pictures soon.
That's about it from here. There's been some changes going on that I'll report on before too long.
Hope everyone is doing GREAT!!!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Post #25... the day before my 25th birthday

Thursday, February 12, 2009
Cutie Patootie!
Friday, January 23, 2009
The blessings of my life